Who We Are
Who Are We?
Many Australian children cannot walk due to medical conditions like Cerebral Palsy. They can’t run or jump or play like other kids. Often they’re stuck low in a chair and can’t even talk eye-to-eye.
However, by facilitating the funding of specialised walking devices, the Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation (ALCMF) helps get them out of their wheel chairs and onto their feet, empowering each child to reach his or her potential.
The Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation forms part of Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest community service organisation. Our Trustees are all volunteers and members of Lions Clubs International and Lions Australia.

Our Objectives
The Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation’s Objectives include:
- To fund walking devices for every child in Australia who needs one
- To empower children to reach their potential
- To partner with State and Territory cerebral palsy organisations
- To work with physios and therapists who assess the individual needs of children
ALCMF Board Members

Greg English
Chair & N District Trustee

Chris Richardson

Ken Nimmo

PDG Danny Richardson

PDG Zig Osis
C District Trustee & Awards Chair

DG Richard Williams
Q District Trustee

PDG Les Cropley
V & T District Trustee

PDG Michael Wolf
W District Trustee
We Help Children Walk
A range of walkers are available to cover every level of disability for children up to 18 years old. Identifying the correct walker takes into consideration the need for balance and occasional support, through to full support of weight, whilst still being able to step forward.
We as Lions are not able to assess which device is the best for each individual child, and therefore, we rely on the professionals who are working with the children to advise which is ideal for that particular child.

Our History
In 1996, the Whitfield family of Allambie in Sydney were told about the Walker by a doctor who had seen it while visiting in the UK. Peter and Sophia Whitfield’s son Luke, then four, was born with cerebral palsy and they were determined to help him in any way they.
The family travelled to England in 1996, for Luke to be fitted with The Hart Walker. Not only did Luke experience walking for the first time in his life, but his general health also dramatically improved. The family was so impressed with the results and the positive impact on Luke’s life, they wanted as many children as possible to benefit from the Walker. They approached The Spastic Centre of NSW to raise funds and start The David Hart Walker Program in Sydney. The Children’s Mobility Program incorporating the Hart Walker was established in November 1996 by The Spastic Centre of New South Wales and was granted the Australian licence by David Hart.
In February 1997, in response to the Whitfield family’s request, The Spastic Centre sent five children, accompanied by their parents, an orthotist and a physiotherapist, to England to be fitted with the Hart Walker. The therapists were trained personally by David Hart, in the fitting and ongoing care, training and monitoring of these young children as they develop and grow. In February 1998 The Spastic Centre sent another Orthotist and Physiotherapist to England for training to prepare the program for the increasing demand. The Spastic Centre’s trained staff are authorised by David Hart to train physiotherapists and orthotists to fit and maintain walkers around Australia, making it possible to have teams trained in every state. There are children enjoying its benefits in every state and territory of Australia.
The demand for the Hart Walker was constant, because as more children were fitted, word spread about the Hart Walker’s benefits, and new children were added to the list for assessment. The Hart Walkers were imported in kit form from Canada. Since then, more and more mobility devices have been created in keeping with changes to technology and each individual child’s needs.