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Support the ALCMF

The Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation (ALCMF) is proudly operated by dedicated Lion volunteers. We offer several ways for you to support us and our mission of empowering children and making a lasting impact in their lives. Together, we can help them move towards a brighter future.

When you make a donation, 100% of your valued contribution is spent on walking devices for Australian children. With your donation YOU can empower a child to reach his or her potential.

How Can You Support Us?

When you make a donation, 100% is spent on walking devices for Australian children.
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Collect Stamps
Collect postage stamps for the LCI Stamp Collectors to be sold at auction to raise funds.
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Make a Donation

When you make a donation, 100% of your valued contribution is spent on walking devices for Australian children. With your donation YOU can empower a child to reach his or her potential.

You can also make a bequest to the Foundation by contacting the Secretary by post or through the contact form on the Contact Us page.

If making a bank transfer please use club name as a reference and email the donation details to

Donation Methods

Bank Transfer

Account name: Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation
BSB: 032 188                  Account number: 218939


Make a cheque out to: Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation

Mail the cheque to: PO Box 373, San Souci NSW 2219

Frequently Asked Questions

A range of walkers are available to cover every level of disability for children up to 18 years of age.

Any non-motorised walking or race runner style device as recommended by the child’s physiotherapist.

We rely on the child’s therapist or physiotherapist for referrals for walking devices. If you know of a family with a need for a walking device please get the family to make contact with us through the child’s physiotherapist.

The recipient of the device owns the device outright, the Foundation only provides financial assistance to purchase the device for the child.

ALCMF pull up banner - Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation